Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shenandoah Valley

Last weekend was great fun - I spent it in Shenandoah, with some of my best friends from undergrad. We stayed on a ranch and went hiking, river rafting and had a barbecue. It was great to meet old friends. Also, I realized how much out of shape I am. I was always huffing and puffing my way up the hill that we decided to climb and while rowing in the Shenandoah river. I have made myself a promise - gym thrice a week starting from tomorrow. I need to run 3 miles within 30 minutes by the end of 3 months.

The trip started with us driving down to VA from Jersey. We began at 4 am and drove continuously for about 6.5 hours and finally reached the Old Rag Mountain - a 2500 feet hill. We conquered it in about 6 hours and then went to our ranch house, where we had a grand barbecue. The chicken, potatoes, "paneer" etc were just wonderful. The night was spent playing poker. After a few hours of sleep we were off to the Shenandoah river for rafting. After 3 miles of rowing we embarked on the return journey and were back home around midnight.

It was a physically exerting but it was great to catch up with old mates. I am hoping that we will make this an annual event.


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